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Project Schedule

- June 20: evacuation notice given by City and flooding commences.

- June 22, 9 pm: Evacuation order was rescinded for community.

- June 24: RKS Mechanical was deployed by C-Era and began pumping water and mud from the lower level, using 2 Hydro-Vac trucks.

- June 28: Meeting held on site with Insurance Adjuster, FirstOnSite Resoration, C-Era, and Giffen Koerth Engineering. Considerable water had been removed at this

time, however water was still present due to high water table.

- June 29: FirstOnSite took over site, adding to the resources of RKS Mechanical; 4 Hydro-Vac trucks in use, plus laboureres to assist wiht sqeegee's, tractors, etc.

- July 4: Pressure washing starts in Chateau 20 & 30.

- July 5: Pressure washing starts in Chateau 10.

- July 9: Engineering team, City inspectors able to evaluate and assess full extent of damage, begin restoration planning.

-July 10: EllisDon introduced as Project Managers.

- July 11: Parkades clean enough to allow supervised tenant access to parkade lockers for clean-out. Structural inspections (drilling/coring, ground-penetrating radar commences).

- July 12: Additional City inspections completed. Electrical repair required for suites ramps up. Security services are increased on site in preparation of partial occupancy.

- July 13: Partial Occupancy order issued by the City; residents are allowed to return to the site with the understanding it is not fully functional yet. Electricity begins to be re-activated to suites.

- July 15: Dessicant dehumidification units are energized in parkades. Restoration website launched

- July 16: Gas systems repair ramps up (for hot water service to suites).

- July 17: Potable water (hot and cold) testing begins.

- July 18: Electrical repair to Chateau 10 substantially complete, all units have access to electrical power re-activation.

- July 19: Radiant heating system installed in parkades (to work in concert with dehumidifiers). Hot water restored in Chateaus 20&30.

- July 22: Hot water available in all Chateaut 10 suites. Garbage collection service is re-activiated for tenant use.

- July 25: Drying and dehumidifying of the parkade is substantially complet.

- July 26: Structural tests in the parkade (for foundation) are substantially completed.

- July 27: Radiant heating system, dessicant dehumidifiers, and the generators powering them start being decommissioned and removed from site.

- July 28: Resident/Owner survey distributed for immediate completion. Final disinfection/sanitization of parkades begins.

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